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Quinon Proficit Deficit: How the Communist Party of China Stands to Gain from the Russia-Ukraine War

April 3, 2024

I. Introduction
The ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine has had far-reaching consequences for the global economy and geopolitical landscape. As a researcher analyzing the basic archetypes and motivations behind Russia's actions in Ukraine, including the annexation of Crimea, involvement in the Donbass region, and the ongoing war, I will attempt to provide an objective perspective while acknowledging the complex nature of the situation. While it is clear that this conflict has inflicted significant harm on Russia, Europe, and the world at large, there is one party that stands to benefit greatly from the chaos: the Communist Party of China (CPC). In this article, we will explore how the CPC could exploit the situation to its advantage, expanding its influence, accessing valuable resources, and maintaining its grip on power.

II. Russia's Archetypes and Motivations

While this assumption might seem logically tenuous, understanding the dynamics of Russian kleptocracy—which was overthrown by the powerful siloviki, or security services, and is rapidly evolving into one of the world's most severe tyrannies, far more swiftly and grimly than Germany in the early years of Hitler—compels me to delve into the core archetypes of the Russian people. I aim to explore the fabric of their cultural beliefs, the fragmented information, tales from the Soviet era, and the weight of current propaganda, including the war cult and beyond. My goal is to uncover which narratives being leveraged truly resonate with the archetypical beliefs of the Russians.
Thus, if we posit that Russia was driven to initiate this conflict, it follows that we can identify several fundamental archetypes and motivations to which the Russian populace adheres:

Historical and cultural ties: Russia has long-standing historical and cultural connections to Ukraine, particularly in the eastern regions and Crimea. Many Russians view these areas as part of their cultural sphere of influence and believe that protecting the interests of ethnic Russians living there is crucial.

Strategic significance: The strategic value of Crimea to Russia is underscored by its position on the Black Sea and the Russian naval base located in Sevastopol. The imperative to retain dominion over this area stems from its critical role in Russia's military and geopolitical ambitions, a concept ingrained in Russians from an early age. Access to the Black Sea is heralded as a key historical milestone in Russian history across school textbooks.

Perceived threats: The expansion of Western influence, especially by NATO and the European Union, into neighboring territories has been interpreted by Russia as a potential danger to its security and strategic interests. The veracity of these threats is secondary to the perception instilled in Russians from a young age. The Euromaidan protests and the removal of Ukraine's pro-Russian president in 2014 were perceived by Russia as efforts supported by the West to diminish its sway. This perspective is promoted by a kleptocracy under Putin, which harbors genuine fears of facing audits and imprisonment for decades of embezzlement and resource theft, facilitated by offshore accounts in locations like Cyprus, the British Virgin Islands, Seychelles, as well as Delaware and Wyoming, among others.

Internal politics: The annexation of Crimea and the backing of separatist factions in Eastern Ukraine garnered widespread support among Russians, significantly boosting President Vladimir Putin's popularity. However, from my perspective, it seems that China, which secured a vast expanse near the Damansky peninsula in the Russian Far East in the same year—2014, the year Crimea was annexed—may have been the inspiration behind these actions. The focus on Crimea served as a diversion, and the excesses in Donbass were merely opportunistic. The storyline of safeguarding ethnic Russians and countering alleged Western aggression struck a chord with many in Russia, despite being based on falsehoods. In an environment of suppression, presenting people with a noble cause offers a way to somewhat mitigate the harshness of their reality.

Economic interests: Prior to the 2014 conflict, the Donbass region of eastern Ukraine was a cornerstone of heavy industry, boasting significant coal mines and a wealth of other resources. Its economic profile included a strong industrial base with a focus on coal mining, metallurgy, and manufacturing, making it a pivotal area for economic activity in Ukraine. For Russia, maintaining influence or control over Donbass was not just a strategic move but also a potentially lucrative one, offering access to its extensive industrial assets and natural resources, thereby providing substantial economic benefits.

It's critical to acknowledge that although these underlying archetypes and motivations might provide some insight into Russia's perspective, they in no way excuse the breaches of international law, the violation of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity, or the extensive human suffering triggered by the conflict. The global community has broadly denounced Russia's conduct, which has wrought severe devastation on Ukraine and its citizens. Many argue rightfully that pursuing a peaceful resolution in adherence to international law, safeguarding human rights, and promoting the stability and security of the region is essential. However, it must also be recognized that engaging in negotiations with Putin without significant leverage is naive, as his responses are predominantly dictated by the application of or threat of force.

III. The Diminishing Importance of Borders
The significance of state borders is diminishing due to globalization, the rise of the digital economy, the influence of supranational organizations, and the pressing need to address global challenges collectively, such as climate change and pandemics. Additionally, cultural exchanges, economic integration efforts, and security alliances that transcend national boundaries are contributing to a world where traditional borders are less defining of a country's economic and political well-being. While borders continue to demarcate national identity and sovereignty, the global trend towards interconnectedness emphasizes the importance of international cooperation and the shared management of global issues.

Continuing the analysis from the perspective of borders having less importance than economic and cultural connections, we can examine the archetypes that may have influenced Russia's decision-making process, despite the obvious economic and political consequences of war.

Eurasian identity: Russia has long promoted the idea of a shared Eurasian identity, which transcends modern borders and encompasses various peoples and cultures across the former Soviet Union. This archetype emphasizes the importance of historical, cultural, and linguistic ties over strict adherence to
international borders.

Spheres of influence: Russia often perceives itself as a major power with a rightful sphere of influence over its "near abroad," including Ukraine, believing it should influence the political and economic directions of its neighbors, despite their sovereignty. However, it's crucial not to be deceived—the core motive behind this "influence" often revolves around the exploitation and plundering of these territories, a strategy deeply ingrained in Russia's history. This approach, mirroring the legacy of the Mongol hordes, involves looting territories upon conquest, underpinning the very foundation and purpose of the Russian state's existence. Should this capability be challenged, it essentially calls into question the fundamental rationale for the Russian state's being, highlighting its singular focus on domination and exploitation above all else.

Defending compatriots: Despite the misleading nature of the claim—given Russia's general indifference towards the well-being of its compatriots, including the Russians it sends into battle in Ukraine, suffering heavy losses for minor territorial gains—Russia often cites the protection of ethnic Russians and Russian-speaking populations abroad as a rationale, mainly for political posturing. This pretext of safeguarding its diaspora, often at the expense of international borders, has been a recurring justification for its actions in Georgia, Ukraine, and other ex-Soviet nations.

Nonetheless, the financial toll of the conflict on Russia has been significant, despite the assets it has appropriated from Ukraine since 2014 and beyond. Sanctions imposed by Western countries have targeted key sectors of the Russian economy, including finance, energy, and technology. The ruble has depreciated significantly, inflation has risen, and foreign investment has decreased. Estimates suggest that Russia's GDP could contract by 8-10% in 2022 alone, amounting to losses of hundreds of billions of dollars.

Moreover, if Russia were to lose the war and be held liable for reparations, the economic consequences would be even more severe. Ukraine's infrastructure, cities, and industries have suffered massive damage, which could amount to hundreds of billions of dollars in reconstruction costs. If Russia were forced to pay these reparations, it would further strain its economy and could lead to a prolonged period of stagnation or recession.

In the worst-case scenario, if Russia were unable to pay the reparations and faced international isolation, it could become increasingly dependent on China for economic and political support. This could potentially lead to a loss of sovereignty, as Russia may have to make significant concessions to China in exchange for assistance.

To put the potential losses into perspective, let's consider some rough estimates:

- Direct military costs for Russia: $50-100 billion

- Economic losses due to sanctions and reduced trade: $200-500 billion

- Potential reparations to Ukraine: $100-300 billion

- Total estimated losses: $350-900 billion

These figures are approximate and could vary significantly depending on the duration and outcome of the war, as well as the extent of international sanctions and reparations.

In conclusion, while the archetypes of Eurasian identity, spheres of influence, and protecting compatriots may have influenced Russia's decision to intervene in Ukraine, the economic and political costs of the war have been and will continue to be substantial. The potential loss of sovereignty to China, if Russia were to face severe economic consequences and international isolation, underscores the risks of prioritizing these archetypes over the realities of the modern international system and the importance of peaceful cooperation and trade.

IV. Negative Consequences for Europe
The Russia-Ukraine conflict has had far-reaching negative consequences for Europe on various fronts, including economic, political, cultural, ethnographic, and social aspects.

Economic consequences:
- Energy crisis: Europe, particularly the EU, has been heavily dependent on Russian oil and natural gas. The conflict has disrupted energy supplies, leading to a sharp increase in energy prices and forcing European countries to seek alternative sources.

- Trade disruptions: Sanctions imposed on Russia have led to a decrease in trade between Russia and European countries, affecting various sectors such as agriculture, machinery, and raw materials.

- Inflation: The energy crisis and supply chain disruptions have contributed to rising inflation across Europe, affecting the cost of living for many Europeans.

- Economic slowdown: The uncertainty caused by the conflict, coupled with the energy crisis and trade disruptions, has led to a slowdown in economic growth across Europe.

Political consequences:
- Strained relationships: The conflict has strained the relationships between Russia and many European countries, particularly those in the EU and NATO, leading to a deterioration of diplomatic ties.

- Increased defense spending: Many European countries have increased their defense budgets in response to the perceived threat from Russia, diverting resources from other areas.

- Refugee crisis: The conflict has displaced millions of Ukrainians, with many seeking refuge in European countries. This has put pressure on the social and economic systems of these countries.

- Political polarization: The conflict has exacerbated political divisions within European countries, with differing views on how to respond to Russia's actions.

Cultural and ethnographic consequences:
- Tensions between communities: The conflict has increased tensions between ethnic Russian and Ukrainian communities living in European countries, leading to social fragmentation and discrimination.

- Cultural events and exchanges: Cultural events and exchanges between Russia and European countries have been disrupted or canceled due to the conflict, hindering cultural understanding and cooperation.

- Disinformation and propaganda: The conflict has been accompanied by a surge in disinformation and propaganda from various actors, affecting public perceptions and creating confusion.

Social consequences:
- Humanitarian crisis: The conflict has created a humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, with millions of people in need of assistance and many forced to flee their homes.

- Social cohesion: The influx of refugees and the economic challenges posed by the conflict have put pressure on social cohesion in European countries, sometimes leading to increased xenophobia and discrimination.

- Mentalhealth: The stress and uncertainty caused by the conflict have had negative impacts on the mental health of individuals and communities across Europe.

The consequences of the Russia-Ukraine conflict for Europe are complex and multifaceted, affecting virtually every aspect of life. Addressing these challenges will require a concerted effort from European governments, institutions, and societies to promote peace, stability, and cooperation while mitigating the negative impacts of the conflict.

It's important to note that the long-term consequences of the conflict are still unfolding, and the full extent of its impact on Europe may not be known for years to come. However, it is clear that the conflict has already had significant negative repercussions for the continent, underlining the importance of finding a peaceful resolution and working towards a more stable and prosperous future for all Europeans.

V. Global Economic Consequences
The Russia-Ukraine war has significantly impacted the global economic conjuncture, with far-reaching consequences that extend beyond the direct losses and disruptions to business, production chains, markets, and various other sectors.

Direct losses:
- Infrastructure damage: The war has caused extensive damage to Ukrainian infrastructure, including roads, bridges, factories, and buildings, which will require significant investment to rebuild.

- Loss ofhuman life and productivity: The loss of human life and the displacement of millions of people have led to a reduction in the workforce and overall productivity in the affected regions.

Business and market disruptions:
- Supply chain disruptions: The conflict has disrupted global supply chains, particularly in the energy, agriculture, and raw materials sectors, leading to shortages and price increases.

- Market volatility: The uncertainty caused by the war has led to increased volatility in financial markets, affecting investor confidence and global economic stability.

- Business losses: Companies with investments or operations in Russia and Ukraine have suffered losses due to sanctions, asset seizures, and the overall economic downturn in these countries.

Food shortages and agricultural impacts:
- Reduced agricultural output: Ukraine and Russia are major global exporters of wheat, corn, and other agricultural products. The war has disrupted agricultural production and exports, contributing to global food shortages and price increases.

- Fertilizer shortages: Russia is a significant producer of fertilizers, and the sanctions imposed on the country have led to reduced supplies and higher prices, affecting agricultural productivity worldwide.

Transportation and logistics:
- Shipping disruptions: The Black Sea, a crucial transportation route for goods, has been affected by the conflict, leading to disruptions in shipping and increased transportation costs.

- Aviation impacts: The closure of airspace over Ukraine and parts of Russia has forced airlines to reroute flights, increasing fuel costs and travel times.

Insurance and risk:
- Increased insurance premiums: The heightened risk associated with the conflict has led to increased insurance premiums for businesses and individuals operating in the affected regions.

- Political risk: The war has increased political risk for investors and businesses, as the geopolitical landscape becomes more uncertain and unpredictable.

Environmental consequences:
-Pollution: Military activities, infrastructure damage, and industrial disruptions have led to increased pollution and environmental degradation in the affected regions.

- Climate change: The disruption of energy markets and the potential increased reliance on fossil fuels due to the conflict could set back global efforts to combat climate change.

Progress and development:
- Delayed investments: The uncertainty and increased risk caused by the war have led to delayed investments and projects, slowing down economic growth and development in various sectors.

- Diversion of resources: The conflict has forced governments and organizations to divert resources towards defense and security, potentially taking away from investments in other areas such as education, healthcare, and infrastructure.

The global economic impact of the Russia-Ukraine war is significant and multifaceted, affecting not only the directly involved countries but also the world at large. The conflict has exposed the vulnerabilities of the interconnected global economy and highlighted the need for increased resilience and cooperation in
the face of geopolitical challenges.

Addressing these economic consequences will require a coordinated effort from the international community to promote peace, stability, and economic recovery. This may involve targeted support for affected sectors and regions, efforts to diversify supply chains and reduce dependencies, and increased investment in sustainable development and resilience-building initiatives.

VI. The Communist Party of China: The Only Beneficiary
With this simple analysis clearly showing that neither Russia, nor Europe, nor even the world (which should, in fact, mean humanity itself) is benefiting from this conflict, let us look closely at the only party that really benefits from it: the Communist Party of China (CPC). They will thus devour Russia and get the
necessary resources to widen their influence on the world, they will keep their power, and they will expand their market to the territories of Russia and whatever countries Russia will manage to occupy, like, for example, Belarus.

Devouring Russia and accessing its resources:
If Russia were to face severe economic consequences and international isolation due to the conflict, it may become increasingly dependent on China for support. This could lead to China gaining significant influence over Russia and potentially accessing its vast natural resources at favorable terms.

Expanding influence and markets:
As Russia'seconomy weakens and its international standing diminishes, China may step in to fill the void, expanding its influence in the region and beyond. China could also gain access to new markets in Russia and potentially in countries that Russia may occupy, such as Belarus, further increasing its economic and
political clout.

Maintaining power:
The CPC could use the conflict to justify its own authoritarian rule, presenting itself as a stable and powerful alternative to the perceived chaos and instability in the West. The economic benefits gained from the situation could help the CPC maintain domestic support and legitimacy.

Financial benefits from Russian resources:
Russia is one of the world's richest countries in terms of natural resources, and China could stand to gain significantly by accessing these resources at favorable terms. Some of the key resources include:
- Oil and gas: Russia has the world's largest natural gas reserves and is the second-largest producer of oil. China, being the world's largest energy consumer, would benefit greatly from increased access to Russian oil and gas.
- Coal:Russia has the world's second-largest coal reserves, and China is the world's largest coal consumer. Access to Russian coal could help China meet its energy needs and support its industrial sector.
- Metals and minerals:
- Nickel: Russia is the world's third-largest producer of nickel, a key component in electric vehicle batteries and stainless steel production.
- Uranium: Russia is the world's sixth-largest producer of uranium, which is essential for nuclear power
- Cobalt: Russia has significant cobalt reserves, another crucial component in electric vehicle batteries.
- Gold: Russia is the world's third-largest gold producer, and China is the world's largest consumer of gold.
- Timber: Russia has the world's largest forest reserves, and China is a major importer of timber for its construction and furniture industries.
- Agricultural land: Russia has vast areas of fertile agricultural land, which could be of interest to China as it seeks to ensure food security for its large population.

By gaining access to these resources at favorable terms, China could boost its own economic growth, support its industrial and technological development, and enhance its global competitiveness.

In this scenario, the Russian populace could face severe consequences, including diminished sovereignty, economic struggles, and the risk of exploitation. Meanwhile, China stands to benefit and thrive. To safeguard future prosperity, it is imperative for the international community to stay alert and collaboratively thwart any efforts by China to capitalize on these circumstances to its advantage, at the cost of global stability and the welfare of individuals in the impacted areas

The Russia-Ukraine war has exposed the complex and interconnected nature of the global economy and geopolitical landscape. While the conflict has had devastating consequences for many parties involved, it has also presented a unique opportunity for the Communist Party of China to expand its influence, access valuable resources, and maintain its grip on power.

As the situation continues to unfold, it is essential for the international community to closely monitor China's actions and work together to promote peace, stability, and equitable economic growth. Only through cooperation and vigilance can we hope to mitigate the negative consequences of the conflict and
build a more stable and prosperous future for all.

The archetypes and motivations behind Russia's actions in Ukraine, the diminishing importance of borders, and the negative consequences for Europe and the global economy underscore the urgency of finding a peaceful resolution to the conflict. The potential for China to exploit the situation for its own gain further highlights the need for a coordinated international response that prioritizes the well-being of the people in the affected regions and the stability of the global order.

 Thus, drawing from the Latin saying "Si vis pacem, para bellum," derived from the work of the Latin writer Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus in his treatise De Re Militari, where he originally states "Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum," the world should prepare for war with China already now.


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