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  • About Denis (Dan) Saklakov


    "While "time" is just another synonym for "life", it is love that is the king of persistance and thus, the World"     

    NYC Real Estate Developer; AI Ambassador, Sustainable Energy Pioneer at NY GeoThermal; Crypto Visioner at LaToken; Author of a published book 'The Ronin's Joy'

    Co-founder of RoboTech Frontier Hub ( www.robotechfrontierhub.com)

    Founder of Balthasar Development (see www.balthasarny.com );
    Founder at Lodis Management ( www.lodisny.com )
    Founder at Carpe Diem Stock Trading (www.carpediemstocks.com)
    Co-founder at New York City GeoThermal ( https://www.ny-geothermal.com )
    Co-founder of Latoken (https://latoken.com/ )

    Read my published book "The Ronin's Joy" as an e-book here or as a paperback book here 

    Also, feel free to chat about the book with my AI bot here